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This guide will take you through environment setup in order to run the codebase locally and contribute to our project. It's recommended that you use MacOS, Unix, or Linux as an operating system for development; we do not support nor provide instructions for Windows systems and development.

Github Repository

git clone

git clone


Concrete uses uv for dependency management and environment isolation.


We recommend the official installation instructions

Abbreviated installation:

curl -LsSf | sh 

Python Version

uv handles Python versions for you.

Install a specific python version using uv python install 3.11

Pin that version using uv python pin 3.11.


Initialize a project in your working directory using

uv init

uv creates a .venv and uv.lock file in the root of your project the first time you run a project command (uv run, uv sync, uv lock ...)

Projects may define a [build-system]. The presence of a build-system determines whether the project will be installed in the project's virtual environment. If it is not present, only its dependencies will be installed.

To build a project, use uv build


pyproject.toml contains metadata about your project. You can edit this file manually, or use commands like uv add to manage the project from the terminal.

name = "hello-world"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Add your description here"

Manage Dependencies

To add a dependency, run uv add <package-name>[==x.y.z]. It is NOT recommended to manually add the environment manually (e.g. uv pip install <package>). To make it an optional dependency, use uv add <package-name> --optional <optional-group>.

To remove a dependency, run uv remove <package-name>.

To run a command in your virtual environment, use uv run <command>. Alternatively, you activate the virtual environment.

Sync your environment with your specified requirements using uv sync --extra <optional-group>


Unlike pyproject.toml, the lockfile contains exact resolved versions that are installed in your project environment. It's created and updated during invocations using the project environment (uv sync and uv run). You may also explicitly update it using uv lock.

uv.lock should NOT be manually edited.

You can export uv.lock to a requirements.txt with uv export --format requirements-txt.


Workspaces are a collection of one or more packages. They organize large codebases by splitting them into multiple packages with common dependencies.

Each package in a workspace defines its own pyproject.toml, but the workspace shares a single lockfile, ensuring consistent dependencies across all packages.

Create a workspace by adding a [tool.uv.workspace] to your root pyproject.toml. The root is also a member of the workspace.

members = ["package1", "package2"] # Required
exclude = ["package3"] # Optional

Directories included by the members glob must contain a pyproject.toml

uv lock operates on the entire workspace, while uv run and uv sync can be run on individual packages using the --package argument.

Dependencies on workspace members are specified via [tool.uv.sources].

dependencies = ['bird-feeder'] # Indicate that the project depends on the bird-feeder package

bird-feeder = { workspace = true} # Indicates that bird-feeder can be found in the workspace.
# tqdm = { git = "" }


uv build --no-sources

uv publish -t <api_token>
# uv publish --publish-url -t <api_token>

Git Workflow

In addition to package and dependency management, we use uv to augment the developer git workflow. The following command will install the correct dependencies to run concrete locally as well as the precommit packages to pass our PR validations. In the root folder of the repository:

make install

If you find yourself needing to run the pre-commit manually, use the following:

uv run pre-commit run --all-files

and to skip pre-commit hooks for whatever reason, use

git commit -m "Pass butter" --no-verify

[Environment Variables]

We recommend you store all of the relevant environment variables into a .env file located in the root directory of concrete. A full .env developer example can be found in our repository.

Be sure to set the ENV variable as necessary:

# for development


# for production


By default, operators rely on OpenAI ChatGPT 4 models to process queries. OpenAI requires a key to access its API:

OPENAI_API_KEY=<your api key here>

Last Updated: 2024-12-04 09:21:32 UTC

Lines Changed: +4, -3
