Software Project
- starting_prompt (str): The starting prompt for the project
- orchestrator (Orchestrator): The orchestrator managing this Project's resources.
- exec (Executive): The executive operator for this project
- dev (Developer): The developer operator for this project
- clients: (dict[str, LMClient]): The language model clients for this project, e.g.
{'openai': OpenAIClient()}
Breaks down the starting prompt into smaller components and writes the code for each individually.
Returns an AsyncGenerator
Dag Project
Represents a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of Operator executions. Manages node executions and dependencies.
- options (dict): Standard options for Operator qna calls. Overridden by Node options.
Adds a directed edge between two nodes in the DAG.
child (DAGNode): The downstream node
parent (DAGNode): The upstream node
res_name (str): The name of the kwarg to pass as the result of the parent node's task to the child node's task.
res_transformation (Callable): Optional transformation function to apply to the result before passing it to the child node's task.
Adds a node to the DAG.
- node (DAGNode): The node to add
Executes the DAG by executing each node in topological order. Returns an AsyncGenerator of messages, with no guarantee of order besides topological order.
Helper function for guaranteeing the Project is a DAGProject.
Object representing a node in a DAG. Manages the Operator and task to be executed from it.
- task (str): The method on the Operator to be executed
- operator (Operator): The Operator to execute the task
- default_task_kwargs (dict): Default keyword arguments for the task.
- options (dict): Options dict for the Operator qna call. Overrides Project options. Options can also be set in default_task kwargs as the
Internal method updating the node's task kwargs and options.
Internal method executing the node's task with provided default kwargs and kwargs passed in from parent nodes.
String representation of the node.
Last Updated: 2024-12-04 09:21:32 UTC
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